Friday, October 12, 2012

Brompton Oratory...

...and the funeral of Alexandra Eversole, large-hearted, generous, a much-loved teacher, a wonderful hostess, a tireless worker for many good causes, fund-raiser for charities ranging from leprosy-sufferers around the world to disabled ex-servicemen in Britain...the Mass was beautiful, the church full, and in tribute to Alexandra's life of care and service to the community, the Lord Mayor of Westminster led the congregation.

It was a gathering of so many people who knew Alexandra and know each other, and it was both moving and beautiful to be there at prayer together...Catholic and Anglican, friends and family. In a fine sermon, we were reminded to pray for her and were given a rich perspective on what it means to be a child of God with eternity awaiting...

Like so many others, I am grateful to Alexandra for her hospitality (she hosted meetings of the Catholic Cultural Group which we founded back in the 1990s), for her example of faith (so many Sundays when we'd meet at the Oratory) for her loyalty and great love of Britain (her never-failing organisation of poppy-sales for Remembrance Day). I knew she had been a teacher, but only recently discovered how much she was loved and honoured by the pupils she helped and inspired.

And with her passing a chapter of Catholic London life goes, too...


  1. Alenka9:49 pm

    Oh I'm sorry to hear that. A redoubtable lady. May she rest in peace.

  2. It was a very beautiful funeral, uplifting in fact, as someone said afterwards. The music was glorious and chosen by Alexandra herself I think.
