Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A nice American...

...telephones from a Catholic radio station, to interview me about my book on Blessed John Paul the Great. So American readewrs of this blog may have heard me on the (surely dreadfully-named?)"Son Rise show". BTW you can now get the book from ACN, which means that every copy you buy helps to raise funds for hard-pressed Christians in various prts of the world where they are suffering...


  1. Bad puns are bad puns of course but I have to defend this program's title as... not among the worst. Will try to find a download of your interview at the Sonrise(or however they put it) site; I do follow the responsible people there on Twitter but have never listened to the show.

  2. The full title is the "Son Rise Morning Show" and it is the mainstay of EWTN programming in the morning throughtout the USA. It's broadcast from Sacred Heart Radio in Cincinnati, Ohio.

  3. I wish I could hear that interview but I do have Catholic radio in my area. I can't understand how the New york City does not have a Catholic radio station.

    Side topic. Fr. Robert Baron talks about his trip to England on his blog:

    Thought you might want to see that.

  4. Anonymous9:03 am

    I am not aware that our previous Pontiff Blessed John Paul, is officially bestowed,
    'The Great'

  5. Dear Sonnet: that's because you haven't learned how it works. The title "the great" isn't an officially-imposed thing - it begins with popular acclaim. At Blessed John Paul's funeral the acclaim was unusually evident, and it has been quietly growing since that time. You might enjoy the piece in the current FAITH magazine.
