Saturday, May 05, 2012


...and Father Robert Barron from the USA speaking about his evangelisation project which carries that name. He was at St Patrick's Soho Square and long beforehand a queue was forming outside the church. The place was absolutely packed, people sitting on the floor, cramming the gallery and squeezing in at the back. Obviously it was mostly young people, but some of us oldies were there too, and I met various friends. The Catholicism Project is excellent - a set of DVDs with the Faith being explained and taught in a glorious pilgrimage through some of the world's great Christian places of faith and pilgrimage - Namugongo in Uganda where the young martyrs died in the 1880s and where thousands now flock to honour their memory, Chartres Cathedral, Calcutta where Mother Teresa's nuns labour radiantly in the slums, the Holy Land, Notre Dame in Paris, Lourdes where vast crowds of pilgrims hold glowing candles aloft...


  1. Anonymous1:52 am

    I enjoy listening to Fr. Barron and it is very encouraging that there was a great turn out at St. Patrick's Soho. I wonder if he chose that Church because it was the Church that Archbishop Fulton Sheen preached at.

  2. Fr. Baron is great. If I had the opportunity to hear him speak I would que up too. I have his Catholicism series and it is magnificently produced. It's a must own.
