Wednesday, May 02, 2012


...has been under fire again. The Tablet carries a criticism of the group for having invited a woman called Joanna Bogle to talk about the topic of women and the Church. The line is that JB is ignorant of women's needs and problems: the lady theology lecturer making these comments could contact me if she likes as it might be useful to talk. In any case, undeterred, CV - with which I have been involved for some while - will be running its Academy session tomorrow night in London, with speakers Sara de Nordwall and JB. Sara was recently on BBC Radio Woman's Hour and you can hear her here (it's the March 30th one). We'll be looking at a range of issues. The priesthood will be among them. Auntie has discussed this issue a lot, eg here...


  1. Dear JB,
    So sorry to hear you were impugned by the Tablet! For the record, you came and spoke on the topic of Women in the Church at my own parish a couple of years ago, and everybody (young, old, male, female) thought you were excellent.

  2. Is it something of some women (those on the left, of course) who think that other women don't "understand" women? LOL. What they really mean is you don't accept their worldview and so you must be ignorant.

  3. Anonymous11:08 pm

    Well what do you expect from the Tablet? The fact this anti-Catholic magazine is still allowed to be sold in so many parishes is simply disgusting
