Wednesday, March 07, 2012

I know...

...that it's a v.v. long way ahead, but can you please note adate for your diary?

Sat Oct 20th - the Two Cathedrals Procession, from Westminster Cathedral to St George's Southwark, carrying the Blessed Sacrament through the streets of London. Book it in your diary now.


  1. Thank you - I will make a note of this on my calendar.
    I just saw you on "Journey Home" with Marcus Grodi - you were wonderful, as usual. Your quick wit, sense of humor and the passion with which you express yourself
    is so refreshing! Let us know if you are ever here in the Los Angeles area, as we would love to meet you in person! May God bless you and your work.

  2. pelerin12:29 pm

    Thanks for the advance information. I shall spread it around. Hope it won't be quite so hot this year!
