Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hate mail on the Internet...

...with a campaigning group for the homosexual lobby posting horrible, vicious anti-Catholic comments, including an announcement that Catholics should never have been allowed freedom in freedom, that the Catholic Emancipation Act should not have been allowed etc etc. Sample: one of the more mild and comments describes the Church as "an international criminal organisation committed to the grossest of immoralities, bigotries and nastiness. It should be closed down and prosecuted."

Can anything be done to stop this deliberate stirring up of hatred and prejudice? Does anyone have information on this?


  1. Raymond3:40 pm

    My guess is that the Guardian comment pages is the culprit (The Der Stürmer of our time).Had two profiles frozen for talking about the reality of abortion - not allowed it seems on Comment is 'Free' .You'll find the most vile anti-catholicism however .Please people continue to complain about these comments and report it as hate speech .

  2. No, it isn't The Guardian.

    It is, as I noted, a wesbite run by a campaigning group.

    What I need to know is what can be done about it: ie how such vile rantyings can be checked. Does anyone have this information?

  3. Anonymous5:45 pm

    In the United States we have the Catholic League which exists explicitly to address anti-Catholicism like this. See A free society really shouldn't make such comments illegal, but it should allow the formation of forums that address these distortions and respond to them.

  4. Louis5:59 pm

    Today, serendipitously the vigil of the Feast of the Annunciation, is the anniversary of the passing of the Catholic Emancipation act in 1829. Considering that we are constantly told by the State that we should celebrate diversity, shouldn't we have fireworks on this night? After all, Muslims and Hindus are permitted by English law to have fireworks on their respective religious festivals.

    Think about it, on what was new year's eve in Catholic England of old, can the State object to a festival which celebrates freedom of conscience, and the tearing down obstacles and barriers to civic participation. It could also be a pregnant moment for evangelisation too.

  5. Anonymous9:36 pm

    Why not report it to the police? I am not sure what the legal definition of "hate crime" is, but they will surely know.

    However, I doubt that anything will make much difference. Personally, I would take some comfort that the comments say more about the people making them than they do about anything else.

    No one has the right not to be offended, though: that is the basis of free speech. Indeed taking the "I'm so offended" line is really playing the same game as the extreme politically correct lobbies.

    You should just ignore them. You appear to have sought these comments out - if you really want to avoid being offended do not look at such websites

  6. Mind you, Raymond has a point about the Grauniad. "Comment is Free - unless you say something we don't like"

    Liberals will defend to the death your right to agree with them.

  7. But on whose website are these things being posted? If it's theirs, probably not much you can do about it, and letting it stand is probably the best way of answering it (it speaks for itself, not the way the writers might think).

  8. One thing you can do is block the messager. I wonder if there is some sort of filter that can be employed to block messages based on certain words?

  9. Usually if I have a question of this kind, I send of a letter or email to my MP....they are pretty good at least he/she know what is being said and that some people find it offensive, and that something should be done.
    Here in Canada we have hate laws, so I would assume you would have something similar in Britain and your MP should be aware of them.

  10. Mike Walsh, MM2:41 pm

    The only thing I have ever, really, been able to "do" about this sort of thing is what He told us to do: "Pray for your enemies."

  11. "Liberals will defend to the death your right to agree with them."

    Luvvit, Jonathan. Going to share it on Facebook.

  12. "Liberals will defend to the death your right to agree with them."

    Luvvit, Jonathan, going to share that insight on FB...
