Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A new approach...

...seems to have been signalled about something in London which has been all wrong for too long. Special Masses have been celebrated for people with same-sex-attraction tendencies. And it has been by no means clear that these Masses have been supportive of the teachings of the Church in this area.

But things look set to change. A statement from Archbishop's House says: "At the present time consideration is being given to the circumstances in which these Masses are celebrated to ensure that their purpose is respected and that they are not occasions for confusion or opposition concerning the positive teaching of the Church on the meaning of human sexuality or the moral imperatives that flow from that teaching,which we uphold and towards which we all strive.”

This is good news and what happens next needs our prayers.


  1. "...what happens next needs our prayers."

    Hear! Hear! We should start praying for Archbishop Nichols right away because the moment he acts upon this terrible scandal he will surely face the most dreadful fall-out.

  2. Defintely good news.

  3. Excellent news! Respect and compassion for homosexuals and lesbians is one thing; changing the eternal teachings of Christ's church is another. We really need to start fighting back against this and other aspects of the culture of death, always with love, but always too with utter determination and fearless

  4. Sharon11:16 pm

    Sexually active people who experience same sex attraction shouldn't be receiving Holy Communion - it does them no good and is a cause of scandal.

    No one who is not in the state of grace should present for Holy Communion.
