Tuesday, August 02, 2011

On one of the hottest, stickiest, and most sultry days...

...that London has had this summer, a friend of great goodwill and good humour joined me to help sort and post heavy parcels of Bibles to winners of the 2011 Schools Bible Project. A similarly heroic team had helped to wrap and pack the parcels a couple of weeks ago. I am really touched by the generosity and kindness of people who help with this sort of project, and actually in a sort of way it was fun humping the parcels around and people at the Post Office were extraordinarily helpful. One showed interest and enthusiasm on hearing that the parcels were Bibles and going to young winners of a school Scripture project.

(But it occurs to me that if I reveal the Post Office where this happened the staff member might get into trouble as possibly revealing support for a project involving Christianity. So perhaps I will just add that absolutely no specific religious allegiance of any sort was revealed. Golly, what a weird country we now inhabit).

1 comment:

  1. hot in dulwich12:40 pm

    Sorry if this seems a rather anorak-ish question, but which translation do you use for the project?
