Sunday, August 14, 2011

The broom army...

...has cleaned up Battersea and now only the only evidence of the rioting is the boarding that cover the fronts of half a dozen shops. At Debenhams (the big shop that used to be Arding and Hobbs, near Clapham Junction) one section of board is covered with goodwill messages - "God loves Battersea!" "Don't despair!" , hearts, kisses etc - and people gather there to have their photo taken alongside. While pausing to add my own message, I was joined by a couple of men being interviewed for a TV station and several families busy with phone-cameras.

I'd decided, almost at the last minute, to go to Mass at Holy Ghost church, Balham as I had some papers to deliver there for an Autumn schools venture to be run by the parish priest, who is Vocations Director for the diocese (Southwark). I was so glad I went, because friends were there who had brought along a teeshirt that young L. - who departed yesterday with the youth group from the parish for WYD in Madrid - needed. "We hoped you'd come to Mass here, and brought it along on chance - can you give it to her when you go to Madrid?" I'll be joining the group on Wednesday, so am glad to help. And then on a whim they invited me to lunch and we had a long happy afternoon over a delicious meal, much talk and laughter. Last year we were all gathered around the same kitchen table late at night during the Papal Visit, with soup and toast in between the Hyde Park Vigil and the departure of the overnight coach to Cofton Park. A French journalist joined us and young L. arrived fresh from the Vigil and the earlier gathering at Westminster Cathedral where the young people gave the H. Father such a wonderful welcome... A year on, and young L. is in Madrid and I'm off to join her, and see the H. Father again...


  1. We also attended the Hyde Park Vigil last year. What a tremendous experience as it was my first time to see the Holy Father in person. And we will be joining you at World Youth Day as our teens are going with the Menevia Youth Group and we are traveling along with them.

    I viewed your show on Walsingham (EWTN) last night. I am motivated to take a trip now. Such beauty in our lovely church.

  2. Hi Joanna, we spoke of your trip to WYD at Eangelium Conference. Please give young L, my daughter, my love. So good of you to take her tee shirt! I so ache to be there but so grateful to God that both L and her sister are able to celebrate their faith in Madrid with the Holy Father and so many young people, such a joy.Enjoy your trip, loking forward to reading your reports. God Bless.
