Thursday, July 21, 2011

There is a court case...

...running this week and next in which a judge will decide whether to make a patient in a hospital die of thirst. The patient is semi-conscious and deeply vulnerable. It has been suggested that water and food should be stopped. This is a gross and ghastly plan and the patient needs our prayers and support. Pray for "M", and for the judge who will decide whether to let this person live or force a particularly cruel death. And you might like to join in an act of solidarity which is planned for next Wed (July 27th) at 1pm at Old Palace Yard, WEstminster, London SW1, in which a woman who was once herself a patient in an intensive care ward is planning a demonstration.


  1. Dear Joanna
    I have just been reading your personal details and, in particular, your comments about your favourite books.

    I wondered if you had ever read the 'Vicarage Children' series by Lorna Hill. These books are set in Northumberland -in a real house which is now part of the Vindolanda Museum. They are, I think, probably the best books for girls ever written. They are now out of print but are being reprinted by an online publisher called 'Girls Gone By'.

  2. This sounds very much like the Terri Schiavo incident here in the US. If you haven't heard of it, a quick search of her name will get you plenty of info. In the end, the people trying to prevent her death lost and it had political ramifications which unfortunately strengthened the hands of those who support euthanasia. I'm sure your politicians would have heard of Schiavo and would be relunctant to go down the same path as the pro-life people did here. Nonetheless I have no regrets. The Terri Schiavo fight was a moral issue. My prayers for M; may he achieve the dignity given to all humanity.
