Thursday, May 12, 2011

This Friday, May 13th...

...marks exactly 30 years since the attempt to kill Blessed John Paul II, and is also of course the day of the Fatima apparitions. Blessed John Paul said that one hand shot the bullet, another guided it. He owed his protection to Mary, and he later took the near-fatal bullet that had been extracted by the surgeons, and placed it in her crown at Fatima...

The full message of Fatima was later revealed to the world at John Paul II's instruction. And we all learned of the vision of a Pope, dressed in white,staggering and falling, under savage attack in the midst of a great crowd.

And now John Paul II has been beatified. Tomorrow, Friday May 13th, there will be a special Mass in Westminster Cathedral, at 5.30pm. I shall be there.

1 comment:

  1. That long ago Friday was my thirteenth birthday, and I recall the attempt on the Holy Father's life every time I blow out the candles.
