Friday, April 15, 2011

We gathered...

... on the steps of Westminster Cathedral for a Catholic History Walk in good numbers - each Walk brings in lots of new people, and there are also some dedicated Walkers who just seem to enjoy coming along every time, relishing the company and the friendly atmosphere, and the chance to walk and pray together...

This time the Walk had a Royal theme, to link with the forthcoming R. Wedding, and we went by the Albert pub in Victoria Street, and stopped at the Blewcoat School nearby, and thence to St James' Park which was all blossom and evening sunlight, and then up the Mall - flags and crush-barriers already in place - and finished at Buckingham Palace. Here we gave 3 hearty cheers for HM and then prayed for our country. Really prayed. No point in pretending that this Royal Wedding represents a great national celebration of Christian marriage. There is a sombre mood about when marriage and family life in modern Britain is discussed. We invoked Sts John Fisher and St Thomas More and we prayed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:03 am

    Your history walks sound marvelous! If I ever get to Britain for a visit around the time when your having one, I'll be sure to attend. Have you ever done a tour of Alexander Pope's house in Berkshire? I believe it has a number of things in it left over from the days of the Catholic underground.

    Have a Blessed Holy Week!

    P.S. I join you in prayer for the Queen and the upcoming royal wedding. I especially invoke St. Edward the Confessor, the royal saint, to intercede for his country.
