Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chris Cviic RIP

- a wonderful man, a fine writer and journalist, a man of great integrity. We attended his funeral yesterday at the Sacred Heart Church in Wimbledon. Read about him here. I learned so much from him, as did so many younger people. He will be hugely missed.

The church has been recently refurbished and I was troubled by the lack of kneelers in the pews - was this a way of trying to stop people kneeling properly for Mass? Everyone was encouraged to sit instead, even for the Consecration - all wrong. However, it turns out that the problem is a temporary one, as the incomplete pews will get their kneelers shortly. All the refurbishment has been delayed, and for a long while Masses have been in the church hall, with the stage turned into a temporary sanctuary.

To Waterloo station in the evening, for a last round of carol-singing. Funds raised this time will go to LIFE, which helps mothers and babies. As we sang and sang, a friend, hurrying homer from work, saw us and came to join in. When her train was called, she said "Must rush - I'm taking the children to Reconciliation at the Sacred Heart church. We'll be home by the time you finish here. Come over for mulled wine and snacks!" So in due course I made my way to their house, and there was wine and good talk around the Christmas tree, with children drifting off sleepily, and delicious mince pies, and a happy atmosphere. The Reconciliation service had been rather impressive, with lots of priests hearing confessions, and the family joked about all being freshly shriven as we greeted them.

Just a couple of days now until the great feast: life has a feeling of Advent, and Christmas promise.


  1. I subsribe to NCR and receive Joyce Rupp's writings which definitely support me on my faith journey. AND right up there with Joyce is Auntie Joanna...I read your blog every evening before I make my way upstairs for my final cup of tea. It sets my mood for evening prayer, assessing my day, and thanking the Lord for the blessings and inspirations I have received. Thank you so much!

  2. Dear Auntie Joanna:
    Today, across the pond, Nancy is making cookie dough and baking her Christmas cookies to distribute tomorrow. She is late and working fast! Sheila thanks you for your caroling descriptions and more domestic blogs which paint such a cozy picture of Britain...and which counteract her ghosts of Christmases past. Have a Blessed Christmas from Nancy & Sheila!
