Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Things have been v. busy... I've been unable to write up everything adequately on this Blog.Brief overview: last week saw another fund-raising event for Maryvale, this time at the Sacred Heart Church in Wimbledon, another excellent talk on John Henry Newman by Dr Andrew Nash...on Friday a meeting of the Association of Catholic Women: we are running more Study Days on Art and Music for teachers in 2011 and have been given some generous funding to do so. Jeremy de Satge (The Music Makers) will teach Gregorian Chant - this is proving popular, and his recent workshop at the Towards Advent Festival was, as always, a success...

Today, after a busy afternoon, I ended up in Westminster,in time for an evening Mass at Westminster Cathedral. Because of some problem about a fire alarm, the Mass had to be transferred to the hall. It was oddly impressive, somehow, to see lots of people crowding in there, kneeling on the floor, with Mass celebrated at a makeshift altar. I was so glad I had gone. And I met a friend there, and we went on for a drink at the "Bluecoat Boy" nearby, and then walked to Waterloo, stopping at the Abbey to walk through the Field of Remembrance. The Abbey Cloisters were open, and there was some singing coming from within the Abbey itself - a choir practising, or something. Suddenly, there in the lamplight, was a sense of 1,000 years of history...

At Waterloo the papers all had front page news of Prince William's engagement.


  1. Dear Joanna: Pro-Choice politicians had such sweeping victories in NY State this month--thanks in no small part to enthusiastic "Catholic" voters--that I wrote the letter below to Catholic New York to express my concerns ( All parishes have been invited to join Pope Benedict XVI as we celebrate a Vigil for All Human Life on November 27.
    Sheila Waters 11/22/2010

    11/18/10 | 57 views
    Catholic Votes

    To the Editor:

    I have been voting for many years in New York state elections, but the voting patterns of Catholics here continue to surprise me. Catholics happily embrace female and male politicians—in local and national races—who support partial-birth abortion, taxpayer-funded abortion, abortion for minors without parental knowledge and same-sex marriage. Voters feel “justified” by saying, “Abortion and marriage are private matters.” And/or: “I don’t have a litmus test.”

    I’m particularly saddened to see female Catholic voters cave on life issues. Instead of being strong feminists for life, many shrug when female politicians take positions that do not respect the sanctity of human life and marriage. Catholic voters regard and honor these Ivy League winners, who say and do whatever it takes to get power, as appropriate role models for young Catholic girls.

    When did we decide that the end justifies the means? When did truth become irrelevant? Why do secular values override religious convictions in the voting booth? What does a correctly formed, Catholic conscience mean today? Are the three temptations of Christ (Matthew 4: 1-11) not as relevant to read as campaign literature?

    Sheila A. Waters


  2. Peaceplease1:30 pm

    I have just listened to you on Radio 2 and I am absolutely horrified. I think your performance was very, very damaging to the Catholic church. You used the word 'wicked' repeatedly and I have honestly never heard anyone as wicked as you. You list in your profile as loathing bigotry - do you ever take a long, hard look at yourself? You came across as an absolute lunatic, barely letting Jeremy Vine or the other commentator get a word in, practically spitting out your hideous rant. I was interested to know how you think you know exactly what the Pope means - does he call you up? You speak with such authority. When I first heard your ranting I felt intensely shocked and angry but now I just feel terribly sorry for you. I have never been moved to write to anyone before like this but I just had to tell you what a revolting person your views make you. Your extreme, violent delivery of your thoughts has opened my eyes to the fact that religion, whatever denomination, is a force of evil, not of good. Your self-righteousness is despicable and your unspeakable cruel comments leave blood on your hands. Lucky you with your bicycle and your cakes and your jam-making. You will never know the utter terror and misery that you advocate, you stupid woman. You deserve to be sent out to Africa to live with starvation and the horror of AIDS, then see where the Bible gets you. Revolting.
    Of course you won't publish this, and I'm sure you won't see a word I've said as worthy of your consideration. All I hope is that you take a look at yourself and ask how your attitude spreads love in the world. I've recently become interested in attending church and become curious about how religion could enrich my life but your tirade has horrified me. It has confirmed my suspicions about the Catholic church. What about tolerance, peace, beauty, love and inclusion? Auntie Joanna, huh! More like wicked witch.
