Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Still lots to read...

...concerning the Pope's visit. There is a feast of good reading in this commentary on the whole four days, written by Jean Mercier, a French journalist with whom I spent some time in London - we shared a memorable midnight soup-and-snacks with a London family after the HYde Park Vigil and before hurrying to catch a 1.20am parish bus to Birmingham...

For some reason, reading about English things in a French journal always seems hilarious, as in Jean's description of some children studying at "l'école catholique de Walthamstow, une banlieue du nord de Londres". Never thought of Walthamstow as a banlieue...


  1. Your Jean Mercier link doesn't seem to exist, Joanna.

  2. Anonymous6:02 pm

    Auntie, le link ne marche pas.


  3. pelerin8:59 pm

    Would be interested to read the French commentary on the Papal visit but when I click on the link I get 'Sorry etc' Any other way of getting it please?

  4. It should now work - try!

    Auntie J.

  5. pelerin12:19 pm

    Just got round to trying it again and - ca marche! Better late than never. It's always interesting to read an outsider's view of anything - thanks for the link.
