Friday, October 15, 2010

Plans, plans...

...tomorrow (Saturday) is the annual general meeting of the Association of Catholic Women. It's been a good year, with our highly successful Schools RE Project linked to the Visit of the Holy Father (do click on to that link and read some of their letters to the Pope...), our Study Day on Art and Music for primary-school teachers, our involvement in the great Hyde Park Prayer Vigil, and more...

We have great plans for 2011...

Tomorrow I will also be at the HOPE WITHOUT FEAR event at Westminster Cathedral organised by Aid to the Church in Need. I am especially keen to hear from the young American priest who has been working in Siberia, where once the horror of the Gulag dominated the land...

Yesterday evening, a meeting of The Keys, the Catholic Writers' Guild. Mary Kenny is currently Master of the Guild and doing an excellent job. Our meetings are hugely enjoyable, talkative, lively: yesterday's guest speaker was Ed Stourton of the BBC...


  1. Auntie Joanna - I volunteer at a VERY small Centre of Peace shop which sells Catholic items including books. The owner, Kathy, also runs pilgrimages to Medjugore (the shop used to be in Essex - it's now in Folkestone). We also have a small reading and prayer room above it. We have Folkestone Book Festival from 5th - 13th November 2010 and I was wondering do you know any local Catholic authors who would come for an hour with some books and do a book signing (I've never done anything like this before!) and I could advertise it with the local churches. I could pay for expenses, travel and lunch. I may have left it too late to organise this year but I would be interested if you thought there was someone who might do this. St Peters is just up the road and they are coming into the Catholic Church, so a lot going on here in this small town! Kind regards Joanna Bennett

  2. PS I should have said that if they want to come to Mass first, it's 9.30 on Mondays and Tuesday and 10 am on Thurs, Fri and Sats :)

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