Monday, September 20, 2010

want still more...

...from Auntie about the Papal visit? Read my EWTN blog here...

And to get a flavour of how the tabloids are now viewing Papa B., read here...


  1. Thank you so much, Joanna, for sharing. The joy is palpable, even across the pond for those of us who watched. And many did. A friend and I met after Mass yesterday and we talked about it.

    We all prayed for this moment. This historical and spiritual moment.

    God heard us and all were blessed.
    Praise be to God.

  2. Sounds like it was wonderful. I'm so happy for the British. I hope this spurs acceptance of the religious in Britain, especially Catholicism. I was beginning to believe that britain had become predominantly atheist. God bless the Pope and your country.

  3. It was a wonderful visit. I watched the events on EWTN TV and I was so proud of Pope Benedict - the peaceful smiling way he conducted himself, and the to-the-point speeches. I was also proud of the land of my birth and the welcome they gave him. I prayed for the success of his visit and for his safety, so I felt that I contributed in a small way, and I was in heaven all weekend.
