Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sometimes, one doesn't know whether to be angry, or to weep... the ineptitude of things.

A booklet has been produced for people attending the Papal events, purporting to be for people of non-Christian faiths, so help explain various terms. It is a crass and ghastly example of an attempt to use what the authors think is street-language for sacred things.

In trying to find a suitable term for "Liturgy, Celebration, Mass, Benediction" the authors come up with "Event, show, Gig". For "spiritual, uplifting" they offer "enjoyable, fun, exciting".


Do these people honestly believe that non-Christians don't understand what "spiritual" and "uplifting" mean? Do they honestly think that non-Christians don't have any understanding of spiritual things, are never uplifted?

And don't they see that to attempt to use words like "gig" and "show" in describing the Mass is just...well...indescribably gross and wrong?

And don't let's even try to explain just how horribly wrong they are in saying that a similar term for "Blessed Sacramernt" is "Bread and wine".

The booklet opens with a fairly useful section on the Mass, and has a similarly adequate section on Benediction, both written with reverence and understanding. There are helpful guidelines about suitable dress and behaviour (appropriate attire, no shorts, switch off mobile phones, noise and movement to be minimised during Mass, complete silence at the Consecration, etc).

So why the gross and daft attempt at street-speak for the glossary? It's pathetic desire to feel up-to-date and streetwise, and it's cringe-making.


  1. Unfortunately this attitude is way to prevalent. Those who would make the Church "Relevant" and hip to appeal to people. As if the message of the Gospel and the truth of the faith just was not enough.

    The really annoying part is when they don't see the success of their plan, they don't reevaluate their method, but just keep applying it. Case in point liturgists.

  2. For those without faith, it would be exactly as they describe it (minus the fun/exiciting part). Its a show, a gig. And it is, ultimately, bread and wine (whatever you may believe about it becoming human flesh/blood sacrifice its still also bread and wine).

    Makes a lot of sense to me to see it described in secular terms. However, I will agree with you that it is a bit pathetic for them to attempt to utilize current vernacular in order to seem more up to date, while all else screams the contrary.

  3. I just wonder why they bothered. If people of no faith go to see the Pope, surely they should be taking part as welcome visitors and be treated with respect for their dignity and intelligence.

    This seems to be a total waste of time and money, which could have been better spent on something more accurate and using the correct vocabulary.

    It says more about the authors then the potential readers.

    As an Anglican I welcome the visit of the Pope, although I will not be taking part in any events, I am afraid that I have other training events happening over the visit period.

  4. This is just one more example of how you can't fix stupid!

  5. Anonymous10:25 pm

    It sounds like some organization has extra money they are trying to spend.

  6. Yes, and this "interpretation" has made the rounds of Catholic radio shows here in the U.S.. A question often asked is: "Is anyone in charge over there?"

    Don't worry though, there are more than enough idiots on this side of the ocean. The Scripture reference "Watch and Pray" is often quoted, but perhaps sometimes it's just as well to close your eyes.
