Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Meanwhile, over in America...

...they seem to have heard very little about the extraordinary success and significance of the H.Father's visit to here for an anaylsis of this.


  1. If you are on facebook, there is a link on the Papal Visit Facebook to an American blog about the Visit

  2. I followed it, but I was surprised how little was made of it in the news. I guess we are distracted with a coming election. I'm really pleased it was a successful trip. It would be fabulous if Britain became majority Catholic, or even just more religious.

  3. Manny says that Britain should become more Catholic or even just more religious!

    The survey published last week showing that 70% of british people regard themselves as Christians, while not necessarily members of any single denomination demonstrates a certain disenchantment with organized religion.

    I am not sure that being Catholic necessarily equates with being religious. The Pharisee's were religious, but were condemned by Jesus for living for the symbols of their religion and not for God.

    What is needed is a change of heart on the part of the whole of the people in the country to live by Christian ideals, which will I am sure provide the opportunities for them to find God in the form of Jesus Christ, but not necessarily within the Catholic Church. Now that would be a miracle.

  4. Malcolm McLean7:19 pm

    Jesus certainly had harsh words to say about the Pharisees. But remember there might be an element of criticising your best pupil.

  5. UKViewer - You may believe that survey but I don't. I never said that being Catholic equates to being more religious. Please don't put words in my mouth. I think we agree that it would be a good thing for Britain and all countries to be more religious. Peace to you.
