Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Getting back to work...

...and, specifically, for my next series on EWTN, due to be filmed in January. I'm research the historical background to various Autumnal/Christmas/Epiphany/Candlemas/etc etc etc traditions, and also working in recipes. It is fun and there is a lot to do...

Some lovely books for children, about saints, have just been produced by St Paul's. There's a delightful one on Blessed (!) John Henry Newman and there are also lovely books on St Therese of Lisieux and St John Vianney. The books are charmingly illustrated, hardback, lovely to use and handle, and are just £5.95p each. Warmly recommended.

Latest issue of VOICES, magazine of Women for Faith and Family in the USA, arrives. Auntie has a feature in it...

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to your new series on EWTN. I've enjoyed all the feasts and seasons shows. They remind me of growing up in Lancashire in the fiftieswhen we took all the feasts and their customs for granted. We thought it would always be that way, so your shows are a very welcome reminder and an incentive to bring back some of these traditions in my own family even at the ripe age of 67.
