Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When the early Christians...

...were persecuted in the Roman empire under Nero and Diocletian, one of the accusations used against them was that of cannibalism - because of the Eucharist. It's surfaced again. Campaigners in the secularist lobby - I've just been trawling some of their blogs and websites to see what they are saying in this run-up to the visit of the H.Father - are now making claims that Christianity is essentially cannibalistic, and referring to Holy Communion...oh, and that it is a religion focused on death, because of the centrality of the Crucifixion.

One commentator is quoted by another journalist as saying that the Holy Father's views are "so disgusting, so repellent, and so hugely damaging to the rest of us, that the only thing to do is to get rid of him". I am assuming that she was misquoted...


  1. Hi Joanna..I have a new positive in the LeadKindlyLight..can you ask your nephew to update my link? Many thanks. Glad you are enjoying Maryvale..I did a Divinity Degree in 1984, Liverpool, Christ & Notre Dame College..married the same year!
    Hope you are well..all looking forward to the Holy Father's visit..

  2. Anonymous3:18 am

    Many who had followed Christ turned away when He told them that they must eat His flesh and drink His blood - nothing symbolic here -but those who fell away found this hard to accept. It isn't surprising that many hardened souls accuse Catholics of canabalism and find the cross an offense. But if not the Eucharist and if not the cross where else do we go, because Christ who gave Himself up to be our Paschal meal and sacrifice upon the cross has the words and way to eternal life. Everyday we should give thanks for many graces given through the Eucharist and the cross.

  3. I am writing to you as someone who is involved with Catholic News to see if anyone is to encourage people to be on the streets to greet the Holy Father when he comes.

    The Holy Father is to travel in the Pope Mobile along routes it would seem in London, Birmingham and Glasgow?

    Many thousands of Catholic faithful are enthusiastic for the Papal Visit and dearly wish to be present on the streets to welcome and cheer the Holy Father. We hear sadly in parts of the media of all the groups who are in opposition to the Pope that they intend to protest and demonstrate - yet I am not hearing a clarion call to mobilise the faithful onto the streets with banners, flags and papal colours.

    Can you with your media contacts raise awareness of this need. To do this we do not need tickets we just need joyful and prayerful enthusiasm, knowledge of where we can go so that we can be there for the Holy Father.

    It would be nice to hear from you.

    Many thanks

