Monday, August 02, 2010

In sticky summer heat...

...hurrying around London...then supper at Euston Station, reading exam revision notes, then train to Birmingham, still reading, then a taxi to a comfortable inn at Sutton Coldfield, near to Maryvale. The bliss of a shower and comfy bed - and a Gideons Bible in which to look up various Bible references. Thank the Lord for the Gideons: I hope some nasty campaigmner doesn't succeed in banning them from placing Bibles in hotel rooms. I always make a point of using one, and anyway it's always so reassuring to have it there, and handy for bed-time prayers...

Maryvale pleasant and inviting, as always. Much greeting of friends as people foregathered for exams. A number of young nuns among the crowd - and it was a large crowd, as people from various different year-groups were there for this big summer exam session. The usual lecture-room was doubled in size by the drawing back of a great set of folding panels, and we each sought our alloted desk with its examination number.

No use speculating on how I did...I tried my best and will just have to await the results.

Train back to London,on to a Saturday evening Mass at Westminster Cathedral and then straight on to young relatives where I was due to stay the night preparatory to a Day at the Seaside on Sunday. A cheery fish-and-chip supper, the family group including not only Auntie but a godmother and a German au pair - lots of lively and amusing talk among the young people, much laughter and fun.

The Seaside next day was a joy - small great-nephew leaping joyously into the waves, small great-niece tucking into ice-creams, new baby snoozing and beaming, young relatives unpacking a great picnic in the sunshine...we all very much enjoyed ourselves...

And then on Monday, to Sion-Manning School, where a lively Holiday Activity Week was in progress, and Auntie was leading a workshop on journalism. A happy busy morning, with some enthusiastic youngsters in a very pleasant atmosphere. Their week will include a visit to Kensington Palace and a good look at English history, with a bus tour of London and a boat trip along the Thames...and the plan is that they will now have some journalistic skills so as to produce a lively report on it all to take home for friends and family...

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