Monday, August 23, 2010


...and small girls eagerly gathering them. A friend and her daughters contacted me to inform me of a newly-discovered wonderful place, a glorious meadow with hedges simply brimming with blackberry bushes, near a beautiful church (on Sunday evenings the bells peal out for Evensong, and they dropped in to share in the service for a little while)...the essence of English rural life, and all in the heart of Greater London suburbia, not far from a railway station which could whisk you to Waterloo in half an hour...

So I joined them for a happy afternoon, and as I write this there are jars of jam all completed, and a mix of blackberry-and-apple straining through to make jelly, and a delicious blackbverry and apple crumble just enjoyed for supper.

If you want to sample the jam, you must come to the Towards Advent Festival, Nov 6th at Westminster Cathedral Hall. Mark the date in your diary now...


  1. Sounds wonderful. Too bad I live across the ocean or I would be there. :)

  2. My dear Mum, of British descent, made what we call "blackberry cobbler", which I'm sure is similar to the "crumble".
    I can smell it and taste it just now!
    Great post, Auntie J.!

  3. Anonymous10:47 am

    Surely these are Protestant blackberries and will give you a tummy ache?

  4. Anonymous: stop being a bigot.
