Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Mother Riccarda Hambrough...

...was in my thoughts as I hurried back from a busy morning in London to tackle some work at home. M. Riccarda is the WWII heroine who helped to hide Jewish families in the St Birgitta Convent in Rome, risking her life to do so. My book on her is humming alone nicely (text to be w. publishers in Sept), but I needed a few more leads, and was pondering this a bit gloomily as I trudged along, as piecing the story together has proved something of a project in detective work...and then I got in, there was a message on the answering-machine, a chap from the Independent, who was writing a feature about M. Riccarda, and had been given my name as a contact! We had a good talk, and he was also able to give me a couple of possible leads, which I am, now following up. I regard all this as absolutely providential...


  1. I'm in Israel at the moment. I might be able to help you track people down.

  2. Many thanks. I think there may be useful information at Yad Vashem. I have sent them an email...

    The key name is Mother Elisabeth Hesselblad, who was Superior of the Convent, and who is already honoured at Yad Vashem.

    Auntie J.

  3. pelerin7:20 pm

    Good to know the book is going well. I was wondering whether you will be launching it here in Brighton?
