Wednesday, June 02, 2010

The Guildhall... London looked magnificent in brilliant sunshine, and lots of people in Royal Navy,Amy and RAF uniforms, plus more in civilian dress, were teeming about - we were all there for a reception attended by the Duke of Edinburgh to mark the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Cadet movement. Jamie currently commands a Cadet unit so we had duly been invited...I wore my Best Little Black Dress (bought some ten years ago, in the USA, when doing some work at EWTN, has a neat little pink jacket, and is the best investment I've ever made).

It was all rather nice ...delicious food, aldermen and City councillors in robes, chaps with medals...and then the National Anthem and everyone suddenly still, and speeches, and HRH working the room.

I met Clive Dytor, headmaster of The Oratory School and a family friend, and we had a good talk. The Cadets are a big part of Oratory school life.

There was some splendid marching and music, "The British Grenadiers" etc. Later, as we all dispersed, J. and I walked along towards St Paul's Cathedral - his brother works just near there so we phoned him up and all had coffee together.

This was one of those days which bring a sudden reminder of one's identity. London, and the Guildhall...we have a dear niece at the City of London School, and I take History Walks around the City, and the Catholic Writers' Guild meets at St Mary Moorfield and formerly at St Etheldreda's in Ely Place...and then the Army, and friends, and talks of the Yeomanry and regimental news...

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