Tuesday, June 08, 2010

And today...

...with a team of loyal and v. hard-working volunteers, I spent the day at the CTS packing and mailing out the certificates and Catechism prizes won by children at Catholic schools across Britain in the big Pope Benedict's Visit project run by the Association of Catholic Women. The children have written some wonderful - and some unintentionally very funny - prayers and essays about the Holy Father, and St Peter, and the significance of the whole visit. Later this month I and other members of the CTS/ACW team will be visiting schools to distribute the major prizes. A booklet of some of the prayers and essays is also planned...

The CTS office is busy but has a wonderful friendly atmosphere. At 12 noon we all gathered for the Angelus.

Among the prizes - a most beautiful new book featuring the Holy Father teaching First Communion children. It is enchantingly illustrated, a lovely book to use, and one to treasure. I do wish we had had this sort of thing years ago when I was a First Communicant...


  1. Fr Francis1:40 pm

    Last Sunday I gave these books to the children in our parish who have just made their First Holy Communion - along with their FHC certificates.

    I also showed them my FHC certificate which my parents had framed for me. It normally lives in my bedroom.

    When I made my First Holy Communion in 1958, I was given a lovely book about First Holy Communion by my aunt. It was written by Archbishop Heenan (later Cardianl Heenan) and illustrated by Notre Dame Sisters.

    I still have it.

  2. I always see Pope Benedict as a schoolmaster - an old one who has almost but not quite lost the ability to control his class.
