Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Some years ago...

...I made my first visit to the shrine of Our Lady of the Taper in Wales, and loved it. Subsequently, we visited as a family during a seaside holiday in Wales. The devotion to Our Lady of the Taper is an old one, and goes right back into distant Welsh carries resonances of Christ as the Light of the World, and Mary brings that light to us...

I've just seen on the website about the Papal visit to Britain that the statue of Our Lady of the Taper is to be brought to Westminster so that the Holy Father can honour Our Lady under this ancient excellent idea. BTW, have you added your prayers yet to the Spiritual Bouquet being offered to the Holy Father? Hurry: do it here.


  1. 1)Love and appreciate all the great links you provide. I not not comment on each post but your blog is a daily must for me now.

    2)Yep. Been to the Holy Father's spiritual bouquet for his visit to Britain and Scotald. Rosary. Though to be fair I have doing this for several weeks now. :)

    God Bless.

  2. (Oh yea I forgot to add to my last post. Saw your "Walsingham" special on EWTN the other day. Wonderfully informative and interesting. It was a great way of unwinding from a busy day at work. Thank you.)

  3. Kathleen1:45 am

    I read your blog every day as well! Thank you.
