Tuesday, May 18, 2010


...for your diary.

June 20th. Martyrs' Walk. Be there!!! Details here, at the Continuity Movement website. Come on your own, or with a group of friends. This is a glorious opportunity to celebrate our Faith, enjoy London in good company, learn some history, and pray for Britain in the run-up to the Papal visit...

And: I recently worked on a project for young people with a Brother from the excellent Community of St John - they now have a base in London - and he tells me about their wonderful summer programme which includes camping in the French Alps. It looks terrific. More info here.

I am hugely impressed with the Brothers of St John - this is thriving new Order which exudes joy and faith andlooks set to take the message of Christ to the generations of the 21st century. They communicate with simplicity and a sense of bringing something that is true and authentic - do follow up and find out more.

Also: August 6th-8th. Evangelium conference, for young Catholic adults, sp[onsored by the CTS. It's at the Oratory School, near Reading - the school founded by John Henry Newman. A magnificent setting in the Thames Valley, and it's an excellent conference which brings together a good crowd each year...

And looking way ahead, just note Saturday Nov 6th, which is the annual Towards Advent Festival, and not to be missed.


  1. Philip Crabtree3:37 pm

    Hi Joanna,

    I can't find anything on the St John website you link to about backpacking in the French Alps - it seems to have an exclusively American focus. Do you have any more details?

  2. Philip - thanks for this enquiry. Try this number:01242 609393 - Ewoud Vorstman.

    best wishes

    Auntie Joanna
