Sunday, April 11, 2010

This one is easy...

...and enjoyable. Sign here a letter of affection and support for Papa Benedict. Get your friends and family to sign. Get people in your parish to sign. Get your priest to sign. Pass it on to people in a quick email, urging people to sign and pass on. Do it now!


  1. I signed it and sent it out. Thanks for putting this out. :)

  2. Anonymous3:55 am

    Grumpy Old Aussie here! Thanks for the chance to sign! We are all now very concerned at what has become a huge and evil media circus to have the Holy Father arrested when he comes to the UK. I think the lawyers involved are very adept media manipulators and that this is a dastardly stunt. First, to hang this "case" on the international "human rights" peg is a joke since these same athiests and lawyers would deny that an unborn child is a human being and subject to any rights, thus continually "protecting" pro abortion policies/laws.

    Second, they also deny the Vatican is a sovereign state despite recognition by other nations of the Lateran treaties. It would suit the self-proclaimed international human rights community to oust the Vatican from having any critical input re vetoing United Nations pro-abortion population policies, for example. There are already moves afoot to get rid of the Vatican's UN observer status. This could be another avenue for achieving that.

    The athiests and their lawyers also seemingly claim His Holiness is personally guilty (presumption of innocence for everyome but the Pope??) for acts he did not personally commit--this would be like saying that Prime Minister Brown is personally criminally liable for the fire bombing of Dresden.

    At least, we can now see how far those who hate the Faith are willing to go to attack it. The abuse scandals have been sad and terrible, but this arrest stunt, it seems to me, is not really about that. The athiests and their trendy pro-choice, anti-Church fellow travellers would bring down the entire Faith if they could.

  3. Yes, I read about this on another blog recently and have signed it. Thank you for helping to get the word out, as it needs more publicity!
