Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hurrying along...

...the Kings Road in Chelsea after a busy day (see below) and en route to another meeting, I answered my mobile phone. A voice asked "How are you?" and I answered rather curtly asking who it was. He said he was from the BBC, and would I like to do an interview that evening about the story in the New York Times? Assuming that this was all part of the escalation of the media storm I explained that I was on my way to give a talk and couldn't manage a BBC interview. Made a mental note that things were were racheted up still further, perused Internet when I got the first chance and scanned all the latest shrieking.

This is getting bizarre: it is no longer serious discussion of crimes by priests but a weird attempt to crush the Pope and the Church. It won't work, but what's the game here? Why are they so frightened of the Catholic Church?


  1. Anonymous12:04 am

    TRUTH! - Crucifixion didn't work 2000 years ago, but the devil and his puppets are slow learners.

  2. The reason for the ferocity of these attacks is that our Church is the strongest voice condemning the common sins of modernity such as abortion, promiscuity, divorce, and homosexuality. Many want these sins to be not only tolerated, but celebrated and encouraged. Since the Church remains unwilling to celebrate or encourage them, the Church is continually presented as an evil institution itself whose judgement is not to be trusted. Among the best defenses against listening to the voice of conscience is to tell oneself that everyone does it and that even those who preach what is right do what is wrong. The attacks on the very few in the Church who do evil is a great comfort to the many outside the Church who do evil.
    Harry Cralle

  3. Formwer Catholic11:53 am

    Simples, as the advert says, Harry. Let the RC Church cut out the cancer of abuse (small) and the culture of cover-up (big issue)and introduce safeguards for the vulnerable in its care, and then the RC Church's moral position will be stronger and it's teaching untainted by double standards.

  4. Two things : first, the better you are doing, the harder the devil works to counter you.

    Secondly - and sadly - there are those inside the Church who would love to see the Holy Father smeared, so as to undermine his authority, and given them an excuse to ignore his attempts to reform liturgical (and other) 'Spirit of Vatican II' abuses.
