Monday, March 01, 2010


...published by the Catholic Truth Society on Lent and Easter: Catholic customs and traditions. It's £1.95p. Nice pic of hot cross buns on the cover. As author, I got 50 free copies, and so was able to give one to each member of the parish Confirmation class when I spoke to them the other day...but you can get your copy from the CTS,by clicking here.

BTW, the CTS is sponsoring a project for children at Catholic primary schools in Britain, for the Pope's visit,working with the Association of Catholic Women... Want to join in? Contact the CTS and ask for a brochure...


  1. suzanne rice8:49 pm

    Dear Joanna,
    I'm from the United States and
    would very much like to buy your book, Lent and Easter, but it's not sold here.
    Will it become available soon?!
    Suzanne Rice
    in South Carolina

  2. If any American reader of this blog wants a copy of the booklet, I can provide one - send a Comment to this Blog marked NOT FOR PUBLICATION and give your full postal address. I will then send you a copy of the booklet,together with my address, and you can send me a cheque: the cost, plus postage, will be just 8 dollars.I can accept American cheques.

    Joanna Bogle
