Thursday, February 25, 2010


The Jon Voight film Pope John Paul II late last night...I've seen it before, but then lent the DVD to a friend and have only just had the chance to view it again. Woke this morning still thinking about it. In an uncomfortable sense - which was not the case when the film first appeared in 2006 - the scenes of Church life in 1970s Communist-dominated Poland present tensions and difficulties which are faintly echoed now in modern Britain...we need strong Bishops like Poland had. Where is our Wyszynski? Where is our Woytila?


  1. I also watched this DVD yesterday.

    Just a little thought - with your contacts would it be good to publicise a novena to Ven. Pope John Paul ll for his help in moving the minds and heart of the Catholic Hierarchy of E & W to preach the Gospel of Life with the fullness of truth.

    Just an idea.

  2. Wasn't it brilliant, the kids bought it for us as an anniversary present, and we all cried throughout it.

    Yes please regards the Novena.

  3. Former Catholic8:27 pm

    Sorry to inject a note of reality Auntie but the situation of the Catholic Church in Poland has worsened since the regime change in 1989. There are few candidates for the religious orders and an annual decline in the number of ordinands. In schools (at least in the big cities)fewer and fewer pupils opt to participate in RE. It is pretty much the same story in Lithuania. I'm in both countries often and the decline is noticeable year after year.
