Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How are you marking Ash Wednesday?

If you are in London and planning to be at the 5.30pm sung Mass, why not come on the CATHOLIC HISTORY WALK which follows? We meet on the steps of the Cathedral at 6.30pm (or when Mass finishes). Wear warm clothes, comfortable shoes, and be prepared for a good walk. It will have a Lenten flavour - we'll be taking in some sites associated with martyrdom - and will begin and end with prayers.

Yesterday evening, we had a meeting of the History Walk Team to plan ahead for the spring and summer. A bitterly cold night, but we warmed up over a good meal and mapped out plans which will include a river trip, a visit to a seminary on the site of Thomas More's garden,a look at various City churches, and more...

The success of the Walks so far has been a great boost - large numbers, much enthusiasm. The Walks always include prayers for our country - badly needed at this time. A collapsing culture, daily abortion of infants in hospitals across the nation,drunken youth fighting and shrieking in the streets on Saturday nights as a matter of routine, plans for legalising "assisted suicide", schemes to block Catholic schools from teaching the fullness of Catholic doctrine and morals, a nationwide system of sex education centred on a contraceptive-culture...come and join us in prayer as Lent 2010 begins...


  1. Anonymous12:10 am

    St. Thomas More is a hero of mine, so to visit a site where his garden once was is both a dream of mine and a cause for envy after a fashion. Someday if the good Lord wills I hope to visit England and take in the air of my ancestors.

  2. Anonymous12:19 am

    It seems that the world is unraveling at an alarming rate. Even here in the states the youth live according mob rules in many places and our own governmrnt and education system is doing everything to undermine the family. It's sad enough that our own great nation is falling toward the abyss, but to see the ancient land once full of faith on the same path is sadder still. May the Lord light a consuming fire within both of our countries. Anyway, peace and God's infinite grace be upon you this lenten season.

  3. I'll be there on Wednesday night,:D

  4. Anonymous10:36 pm

    Well at age 52 I'm entering the Church this Easter so I'm attending my first Ash Wednesday service and our RCIA class is serving a soup supper afterwards. Joanna thank you so much for all your television shows. Your Advent programs were so meaningful. May we have a Lenten series also? Paul near Seattle.

  5. Anonymous8:31 am

    Now I feel silly in light of my earlier comment. I was just watching EWTN and saw a preview for the Lenten and Easter "Feasts and Seasons". Thank you from Paul near Seattle!

  6. Welcome Paul from Seattle! My husband and I took the plunge about 6 years ago and are so happy we did!
