Monday, November 30, 2009

To Tunbridge Wells...

...for an evening talk at St Augustine's Church, organised by Fr Marcus Holden. A packed hall on an evening of teeming rain and bitter winds. A showing of the new DVD "Arise once More" (Do get a copy...ideal for schools, Confirmation classes, youth groups...) and then a talk on "Celebrating Feasts and Seasons".

Earlier, I had spent the afternoon with relations, having tea by a roaring fire in a lovely family home in the Kent countryside. Talk was of family news, catching up on the latest on Duke of Edinburgh's Award, ballet lessons, school...

And after the meeting, on to stay with kind friends, meeting more delightful young people, enjoying a long talkative supper,swapping news and laughter round a candlelit table as rain lashed down outside...


  1. Your last two paragraphs could be part of a novel. Think I'd like to read it...

  2. Joanna is a novelist. She uses the pen name "Julia Blythe".

    I must tell the blog that I am now a free man. I've just handed in four years' worth of PhD thesis. Just the viva to get through now.
