Tuesday, November 03, 2009

"The Making...

...of Modern Britain" is a new TV series. In a review of the first part, looking at the Victorian and Edwardian era, Telegraph journalist Charles Moore takes presenter Andrew Marr to task for sneering at what was achieved during those years. Of course there have been many improvements in life for many people since the early 20th century but "As well as gaining much, we have also lost. Honour, manufacturing, oratory, worship, friendly societies, organised temperance, provincial pride, fair play, low taxes, reading and writing, public order, good trains and public clocks which kept the time – just a few of the things which our own age could improve if it bothered to admire the past rather more and itself rather less."


  1. Anonymous3:26 pm

    Excellent points, Joanna. All true.

  2. You can find an online version of Charles Moore's piece here.

    Can anyone recommend a good history of Britain? It doesn't have to be from a specifically Catholic viewpoint, but a generous and accurate assessment of the Church's contributions to British culture would certainly be welcome.
