Sunday, September 13, 2009

To Canning Town... London, for a meeting on Friday with some of the Brothers of St John who are based there. I have known this community for some while as they have played a big part in the annual Pilgrimages run by the National Association of Catholic Families at Walsingham. What a delight to meet them again, and in their home setting - a young community, and it felt invigorating to be sitting planning and working with them. Watch this Blog for news of plans as they develop...

A lot happens at Canning Town: on the main Barking Road, near the church where the Brothers are based, is the great Anchor House project, welcoming homeless people and offering new hope. It's a wonderful place that has recently won a top award for the way in which it has helped people to overcome huge difficulties in their lives,to acquire new skills and to go ahead with confidence...while there I met Mgr John Armitage,whom I first got to know through his work with Youth 2000...

1 comment:

  1. Paul J Clifford12:45 pm

    I believe the fabulous Franciscan Friars of the Renewal are based in Canning Town too, at St Fidelis Friary. I wonder if they work in partnership with the people at Anchor House - the CFRs work closely with the homeless too.

    It is obviously all happening in
