Tuesday, September 01, 2009

This morning...

...opened a perfect September day, with cool sunshine hinting at Autumn. I went to pick rose-hips. They make a delicious syrup, which can be whisked into milk to make a refreshing drink, or poured over porridge for a winter breakfast, or given by the teaspoonful to children just because it's nice.

To London for various errands. Growing encampments with tents and makeshift living arrangements in Parliament Square as different protest groups settle themselves. Sirens and police presence at a couple of other demonstrations. Tail end of summer tourism with people waiting outside Westminster Abbey etc. Friendly chat as always in CTS bookshop near Westminster Cathedral where I went to collect Bibles for the Schools Bible Project prizegivings. Sudden sense of welcome in Westminster Cathedral and the dear familiarity of it after absence abroad.


  1. Wayne Kerr9:32 pm

    My view is indeed like yours. How ever if people do not make a protest and stand up for what is right. Blair,Mandelson and Brown would condem us all to a real hell on earth.lets hope the days, When MP,s where honest will one day re turn.

  2. I was at Westminster Cathedral on Monday and was rather annoyed that they followed the bank holiday - they had stopped Confessions by the time I got there!

  3. I am an American of Enlgish descent. My memories of being at Westminister Cathedral are filled with wonder and awe. I was able to spend several hours there in September of 2006, in fact the Sunday the demonstration against the Pope's Regensberg address was going on, unbeknownst to me, thank the Lord (we took the front exit of the Cathedral). I was able to pray before the relics of the English saints and martyrs and attend a beautifully sung Mass. I hope I can return one day.
