Thursday, September 10, 2009

Here is...

...a refreshing new Catholic blog. It has a special message of promoting the Christian message on love and relationships. It's well-informed, highly readable, and with good links. Try it.

Also welcome on the Catholic blogosphere is Fr Stephen Wang's Bridges and Tangents, which looks set to become a must-read among younger Catholics.

And don't just stay on the blogosphere. Get out and meet people too...dates for your diary: Sept 24th, Catholic HIstory Walk, Westminster (see below, scroll down)....Oct 15th, Catholic History Walk, Chelsea (details to follow, note date now)... Towards Advent Festival, Sat Nov 14th, Westminster Cathedral Hall, starts 10 am, runs all day with talks, displays, music etc...

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog, and I found the post on marriage very interesting
    "In a pre-wedding party, a book was laid out for the guests to write down their thoughts on marriage. Typical to our age, the majority of comments were negative. One guest had written that marriage is, “Institutionalized prostitution.” Saint Augustine, in his work against the Manichees (who denied procreation), he said they made the “Bridal chamber a brothel.” (Against Faustus, 15.7 CSEL 25:430). Perhaps this is what can happen when chastity within marriage is totally ignored".

    I wonder what was meant by 'Institutionalized prostitution' is this a referrel to contraception or lack of chastity in marriage.
