Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Do you care about AIDS victims? Then read...

...this report about President George W. Bush..

Real practical help which has saved huge numbers of lives. Have you read about it in the media? Seen it mentioned on TV? No, nor have I.


  1. Most of our American media hated Bush. Fox News was about the only place you heard anything good about him. (I have noticed many of the Fox "out front" people are Catholic.)

    Actually, most of our media ridicule anyone who is a person of real Faith and/or conservative... in the news, TV shows, most films, etc.

    There is an entire generation of young people who have no idea the average person in our country held to a Christian worldview.

  2. Huldah7:37 pm

    My sister, who worked as a volunteer for over 2 years in Africa, said that George W Bush was a hero in Africa because of the money he'd allocated to care for the poor and needy.

    Sadly the media and too many of the public are only interested in stories slighting him for his convicitions, particularly his Christian convictions. But then, Our Lord did say that His followers could expect to be hated for His Name's sake ...

  3. Jack.1:04 am

    Reminds me of what Cardinal Wisemen once said of high church anglican clergy in the 1800's "although they do not have the fullness of the faith, in some respects these men are better than we" (i paraphrased it slightly)
