Sunday, June 07, 2009

An extraordinary week...

...with no time to blog until now. Some snippets...arriving at a meeting of the Choose Life committee on Monday, I noticed a small pencilled note tucked into my bicycle basket. "Dear Cyclist, You have locked your bike through mine. I can't release my bike. I haven't been able to use it for nearly a week..." I telephoned the number given. Turned out to be an extremely nice clergyman from a local Anglican church! I apologised profusely for the inconvenience I had brought him, and we ended up chatting about lots of things...and then, when I related this to committee members, one of them turned out to know him and suggested that he join our committee!!

There are eight million people in Greater London. Imagine that this contact was established out of all of them...

The meeting ended with drinks and lovely snacks on the roof-garden of the Chelsea home of the Chairman. Some glorious old roses in their first summer bloom, their scent the very essence of England.

I cycled on to what I was thought was another meeting, in Wimbledon. But no....I had got the wrong evening! Much laughter, and I was warmly to the family table to join them for supper.Hugely embarrassed, protesting,but...absolutely delicious pudding, sons and cousins gathered round this agreeable family table, discovery of mutual friends and further coincidences....


  1. Rallentanda10:46 am

    This all sounds like something from The Darling Buds of May...enjoy it....

  2. Anonymous9:16 pm

    A "God-incidence" rather than a co-incidence, I would venture.

    Alfred of Wessex (who serendipitously wandered here from Archbishop Cranmer's blog).
