Thursday, April 09, 2009


...for Easter, distributing chocolate eggs to various godchildren by bicycle or by post, organising domestic arrangements, Hot Cross Buns, simnel cake, has been a busy week with hospital appointments jostling with work and cookery and devotions and more...and HM Revenue and Taxes chooses this week, of all weeks, to send out our Tax return forms!...and there are letters and emails and deadlines for publishers and things...and then evening falls and a hushed congregation gathers for the solemnity of the washing of the feet and the Mass of the Last Supper... Maundy Thursday...

1 comment:

  1. I see that you use the name "Maundy Thursday" rather than "Holy Thursday". In the U.S., it seems that I only see non-Catholic churches using that designation. Any idea why Catholic churches in the U.S. don't seem to use it? Is it used in Catholic churches throughout Europe, do you know? Thanks.
