Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Good Friday liturgy...

...was packed, as always, with extra chairs in every available corner of the church, and people overflowing into the porch and out into the street. This is a young parish - suburban area, lots of families - and there were a number of children there, but no shouting or noise...small boy in front of me began by showing signs of why-do-I-have -to-be-here but got gripped by the reading of the Passion and then the veneration of the Cross...


  1. Yes, it was much the same at Cincinnati's Old St. Mary Church, the one true "reform of the reform" parish in the city. That it is located in a rather dangerous neighborhood makes the turnout all the more remarkable.

  2. Anonymous9:06 pm

    You invited us to ask about your books so.... I'm asking. I have one of Feats and Seasons. What are your other books?
