Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Some of the vile....

...media attacks on the Pope put the newspapers concerned in rather horrid company. I've just come across some rather similar stuff in a book I've been reading. Sample:

"Go bury the delusive hope
About His Holiness the Pope...
...Old, muddle-headed, doddering, ill,
His knowledge is precisely nil..."

and so on for several more lines of nasty rubbish.

It was published in a Nazi magazine in the 1930s.Quoted in Michael Burleigh's Sacred Causes (Harper/Collins, 2007).

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful Pope Benedict is, otherwise no one would bother to criticise him. We need to pray for him daily. He is leading his sheep and determined to take them along the right path.
    God Bless Our Pope.
