Thursday, March 12, 2009

On Thursdays...

... all day, in the local church, there is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Silent people kneeling there in prayer, some lighting candles, others leafing through a prayer-book or fingering a rosary. And then, late into the evening, the priest kneeling at the foot of the altar steps and beginning the beautiful Benediction hymn...

...and then, appallingly, the ghastly buzzing of a mobile phone. Mine. I dashed out clutching the thing, sprinted into the road,dealt with it, crept back into church feeling Awful.


  1. Anonymous12:46 am

    All those heroic and inspirational English martyrs, looking down from On High and shaking their heads; and taking jovial heat from the rest of the Church Triumphant.

    (We've all been there, dear one!)

  2. I have heard that an hammer applied to the phone is an effective remedy! ;)

  3. I wonder whether, if your ringtone was the one that goes by the name of "heavenly", appropriate forgiveness would be more forthcoming?

  4. Haha! In my first days of owning a mobile, it went off at the early Mass in the cathedral (which was not, to put it mildly, hoaching). And I couldn't find it - it was somewhere at the bottom of my handbag.

    The horror. The ringing echoing around the building in the post-Communion silence ...
