Thursday, March 26, 2009

An important message...

..."I call everyone to an effective awareness of the adverse conditions to which many women have been – and continue to be – subjected, paying particular attention to ways in which the behaviour and attitudes of men, who at times show a lack of sensitivity and responsibility, may be to blame. This forms no part of God’s plan. In the Scripture reading, we heard that the entire people cried out together: “all that the Lord has spoken, we will do!” Sacred Scripture tells us that the divine Creator, looking upon all he had made, saw that something was missing: everything would have been fine if man had not been alone! How could one man by himself constitute the image and likeness of God who is one and three, God who is communion? “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him” (Gen 2:18). God went to work again, fashioning for the man the helper he still lacked, and endowing this helper in a privileged way by incorporating the order of love, which had seemed under-represented in creation."

That needed saying, especially in the context of Africa, where many have been silent on the subject, and where many women suffer. Guess who was the speaker? Read more here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:08 am

    Not sure if this made it into the UK press, but a Harvard don gave credit where credit was due, deo gratias!
