Wednesday, March 18, 2009

If you want to send...

...further emails telling me how dreadful I was on TV, feel free to do so, but please don't assume that I'm not already extremely unhappy about it. Obviously many people will want to make me feel even worse, but there really isn't any need to do that.

I am publishing most of the angriest messages I get, except the ones that use swear-words etc. The ones that tell me they are ashamed of me etc etc will all go in, along with the ones saying how terribly funny it all was, and how much they delighted in the dreadful mess I made of things.


  1. Hello Joanna.
    I have never visited your blog before, being an atheist it’s not something I would do really. But I had to come and visit after your performance on C4 news last night.
    I am not here to be rude, I am sure you have had enough of that already. What I did want to ask is why can’t the Pope and the Catholic Church suggest that although abstinence is the only way to prevent HIV 100%, if you CANNOT abstain from sex then use a condom. This then at least acknowledges that no one is infallible and all people make mistakes. The message surely should be if you make a mistake in the Catholic Church’s eyes and have sex before marriage then at least use a condom to protect yourself. I am seriously interested in your views on this point, why no give and take, why no forgiveness? I grew up in the Catholic Church so I know the dogma but really I do not see why its an all or nothing situation when it comes to condoms.
    Many thanks Sarah

  2. Bravo Joanna! Now shake off the dust from your feet.

  3. Anonymous6:42 pm

    Take heart, Joanna. I saw your clip on Patrick Madrid's blog. Being from the states, I'm not familiar with the program you were on, but compared to news debates aired here your "temper" seemed rather run-of-the-mill. If I had been in your shoes I probably would have burst into angry tears and really shamed people by being such a passionate "girl". It seemed that you were having to debate the other guest and the host as well, with the host having a field day at twisting your meaning.

    Your heart is in the right place, and your facts are firm. Mostly people seem to have a problem with your zeal, but I'd like to see them not get their backs up when set upon like you were, and under a time limit, too.

    S. in WY

  4. Don't feel bad about it. I have been there.

    It is difficult to get thru their thick skulls that what they are doing (the indiscriminate distrigution of condoms) is not only wrong, morally speaking, but making things worse in a lot of countries.

    I saw you as a very passionate person, involved in what you do. Ad for the impact on the british public, I would like to think that the Holy Spirit will work with that.

  5. Ok - well I went and watched that interview and let me say I thought you were wonderful.

    Those two prune faces sat there and lied through their teeth. I'm amazed you could restrain yourself from getting up and smacking them upside the head. Just watching that smug and arrogant women made my blood start to boil.

    Lying while maintaining a condescending attitude would drive any sane person a bit over the top.

    You just hold your head up and ignore the stupid people who are without passion for the truth.

  6. Anonymous8:44 pm

    Hi Joanna,

    I just wanted to say that although I only caught the end of your interview, I was so encouraged that someone was prepared to stand up for the preservation of life. Even though condoms can be safe sometimes, the risk of death from AIDS (even if it is only a small percentage) is surely not worth the risk. The idea that married people are so unable to control their desires that they would rather risk infecting their spouse than abstain is absurd.

    It sounds from your blog that you got a bit emotional but it is quite understandable and you did your best in what must have been an exasperating situation. The fact that you were emotional is surely an indicator that you cared - infact I believe you said something on the lines of "it is people's lives we are taking about".

    I wonder how many people currently dying of AIDS wish that they had abstained? I wonder if the research will ever be undertaken to show how many of these people used a condom that split or didn't work for some reason.

    It is really great to hear the facts about the success of promoting abstinence and if you only perusaded one person (and it may well have been many more), then you could have saved a life.

  7. Anonymous9:01 pm

    Dear Joanna,

    I have just watched the clip of last night's Channel 4 news, and read the comments on the last couple of posts.

    First of all, I think considering the subject, you were certainly justified in getting angry! I felt Mr Snow treated you, the Church and the Holy Father with a complete lack of respect from within the first few minutes of the interview. This clearly only exacerbated your anger! And judging by your about me, it's because the others on the screen were being very narrow-minded indeed!

    Also, I'm really pleased to see passion for life and God's people on the TV - especially that channel - and it makes a change to hear enthusiasm, rather than the usual apathy from among some Catholics.

    God bless,

  8. Anonymous10:04 pm

    Joanna, I saw the interview and, well you know you were there. Don’t worry about it; a few years ago it must be now I posted a remark on your blog after another previous unsatisfactory interview with some TV reporter to the effect that it would be better to do no job than a bad job.

    I have had time to rethink my impatience and you are on a hiding to nothing with any of the British MSM, and in retrospect have been for the last 20+ years or more. You can’t get your point across because they don’t want to hear it; all they want is an aunt sally. You never know one day the ashamed Catholics may also reflect on the reasons for their embarrassment.

    So what, you are not in a popularity competition, the world does not want to hear what you have to say, say it anyway.

    People Are Often Unreasonable

    People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-cantered;
    Forgive them anyway.

    If you are kind, People may accuse you of Selfish, Ulterior motives;
    Be kind anyway.

    If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
    Succeed anyway.

    If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
    Be Honest and Frank anyway.

    What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
    Build anyway.

    If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
    Be happy anyway.

    The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
    Do good anyway.

    Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
    Give the world the best you've got anyway.

    You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
    It was never between you and them anyway.

    10:32 Every one therefore that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven

    12:8 And I say to you: Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God.

    O the author of the poem - Mother Teresa

  9. Just thought I'd say you were excellent on the Channel4 news. I only saw it on a video clip this morning, and the point was put across forcefully and with real passion. Too many times people lack passion for Truth, but you were there, banging the heads of the interviewer and the lady from Christian Aid. Really was the highlight of my day. Go you!

  10. Anonymous10:59 pm

    Sorry that you had a bad experience. . it'll blow over. You put yourself out there, which is more than most of us have ever done,so kudos just for that.
    Anyway, what serious person forms an opinion on any weighty issue by watching these types of TV shows, with their "give-me-a-few-minutes-in-the-spotlight"-seeking "experts," anyway? These shows are bubblegum for the brain, clumsily disguised as "serious, hard-hitting news."
    Have a glass of wine, take a deep breath, and relax. And then work on your serious studies - where brainwork is legitimate, and valued.

  11. Anonymous12:30 am

    Joanna, Well done! Well said! Well presented! Someone needs to speak THE TRUTH, with passion, thank you! You are truly part of the Maryvale family!

  12. Anonymous2:35 am

    I just saw the video clip and I believe that you passionately stated your beliefs. I applauded you for having the courage to do this.

  13. Anonymous3:18 am

    I think you did a fantastic job, I also only saw a small clip, but I applaud you for standing up for our Holy Father so courageously. Thank you!

  14. Anonymous3:47 am

    God bless you for your courage in going out to speak the truth. The smug self-righteousness of the woman from Christian Aid was far more offensive than your passionate defense of human dignity. It can't be easy to constantly encounter such hostility.

  15. Anonymous4:59 am

    While you did lose your cool, I can relate to your experience as I easily get irritated when people try to rationalize evil. I think you did a good job, considering that they didn't seem to want a debate, and just wanted to get their own point across without hearing yours.

  16. Anonymous6:14 am

    Ms. Bogle,

    Yes, you lost your cool - and I say three cheers for you for having done so. Snow's treatment of you was appalling, and you were the only one in the room showing any passion for the subject. Shouting down the proponents of death and disease? Great idea. I'm proud that someone is being as vocal in the Holy Father's defense as his detractors have been in attacking him. Thank you for putting yourself out there and burning with fire in witness to Truth!

  17. "You put yourself out..." I want to endorse that and my previous comment.
    One thought has occurred since: why were you, a layperson, asked to comment on the holy father's remarks?
    In other words where were the bishops and priests or the Church's press office? I also noted that your opponent was from Christian Aid thus implying the authority of a practical relationship with the subject under discussion. If Channel Four News had been serious about addressing it the obvious thing, surely, would have been to have invited someone from one of the Catholic Aid agencies.

  18. Anonymous1:29 pm

    I thought you did very well. The other two were just preaching to the choir.

    At the very least -- and this should not be minimized -- you planted a seed of doubt about the effectiveness of the condom as protector against AIDS. It's what the Pope did with his statement, reminding us all that there is another way to look at this world-wide tragedy. As Jesus said of the humble mustard seed: "But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it." (Matt. 4:32)

    ~ Maria Horvath

  19. I haven't seen the clip, because I'm in the US, but I still want to offer you my words of support. As mary ann commented, you are out there trying, and trying your best to explain the Church's teaching--something the world does not want to understand. I enjoy seeing your appearances on EWTN: keep up the good work. God bless you.

  20. Joanna --

    Aeh, that's exactly the way they treated Amy Welborn when she went on a TV talkshow. The difference was that she was in Indiana and the hosts in New York City. A half-minute of transmission time gives one time to breathe.

    Personally, I'm in favor of chicken-choking the vast majority of talkshow hosts, as they routinely violate the sacred laws of hospitality more than the villain of a Greek myth ever would. So the vast majority of Britons were probably cheering you on, for entirely non-partisan and non-religious reasons. :)

  21. No wonder you lost your cool - Jon Snow twisted what you said about condoms making the situation worse. I think you're very brave even to go near a television studio when there's so much ideological baggage against you. The other woman was calmly giving mixed messages; your passion just might make people think.

  22. Anonymous8:57 pm

    You were brave and wonderful! I loved that you said what you said and insisted on being listened to. I learned facts I never knew. Good for you!

  23. Why do you feel bad about the interview?I have just seen it and I thought you were brilliant.

  24. Anonymous10:59 pm

    Thank you for saying what you said.

    My only question is whether we gain anything by associating with the mainstream media. They will not let anything pass that does not fit their prefabricated narrative.

    'the world passes away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides for ever.' (1Jn 2:17)

  25. I watched your video via Patrick Madrid's blog and subscribed to yours as a result. You are my hero - you made passionate points that gave me hope that decency and morality will not always be held up to ridicule. I've shared it with as many people as I can - hold your head up! In God's time it will change.

  26. I for one was very pleased with what you said under extremely hostile circumstances.

    The reporter was able to attack you and leave little miss sweet and rubber to peddle her message.

    You were fighting a two front war. In these circumstances it is most difficult.

    Media training usually teaches you to attack the question. As Catholics we know we must be honest and try and give a solid account of the truth and not play games.

    You were not given the chance to do so.

    Thank you for your efforts.

  27. Anonymous10:32 am

    Lest you get carried away by all the positive comments, it was a disaster. Snow laid a classic trap, and you walked straight into it. He made an utterly outrageous comment about the Pope being responsible for many deaths in Africa, in order to get you all fired up. He then played the faux-naif, shocked - shocked! - at your anger, and the other woman looked like the voice of calm and reason.
    Game, set and match to Snow.
    My heart goes out to you, because I would have done exactly the same thing (in fact, I may even have deigned to give Snow a punch in the mouth for his troubles). That is why I would refuse to be interviewed on TV

  28. Viewers will have heard a robust defence of the Church's position - and thank goodness for that. If you're not happy with anything you said or the way you said it, then it's a good opportunity to learn for next time, but I don't think you need to beat yourself up over it. Thank you for speaking many others, I couldn't have done it. God bless.

  29. Blessings on you! I saw this clip via Fr. Finigan's blog, even though I'm from Canada. You did a great job. It was clearly two against one and your faith was insulted and the Holy Father attacked viciously. For you not to get angry in such a situation would be a denial of the truth and just plain sick. You made enought points to plant a seed of doubt in the minds of some. At the least, some will wonder why it is necessary to attack Catholics like that if the other side is so right.

  30. Joanna - you did a wonderful job and restrained yourself much better than I could have ever done! The passion really pulled the message out into the open. When someone is planning an ambush (as Mr. Snow had done) you don't just sit back and take it, you fight back! Bravo!
