Friday, February 06, 2009

Rome... warm rain, St Peter's Square glittering and wet, a clean smell of pine as the vast Christmas tree that has stood there throughout Christmastide is dismantled, lights glowing high up in the windows of the Apostolic Palace as twilight falls...

I hadn't had huge hopes of getting to Rome - struggled through slushy snow to get to the station, almost certain all flights would still be cancelled - and it was exciting to find the journey was possible after all, and to swoop up above Britain's snowy fields and then land at Ciampino and be met by Sister Marie who with Dr Christine Mugridge had invited me to speak at the launch of a book at Vatican Radio.

Just two days into which to cram so many things: meetings, talks,discussions. Obviously, there was much talk of recent events. Important statement here from Secretary of State, clarifying the official position of the Church - do pass on as required.

We went to the Papal audience - vast crowds packing the Paul VI Hall, large youth groups from Poland, USA, Italy, Spain, seminarians from France, ecumenical group from some international college in Switzerland, parish groups from Hong Kong, and more...young couples in wedding finery asking for a blessing, bishops lining up with H. Father on platform, young people enthusiastically breaking into song...

Topic of the conference/book launch was the Theology of Communication ...interesting to be speaking at HQ of Vatican Radio, lots of people from various publications and other media incl. Edward Pentin who is Rome correspondent for the Catholic Herald, and Joan Lewis of EWTN's Joan's Rome.


  1. Anonymous3:46 pm

    We just got back from 5 days in the eternal city - our whole family! We saw the tree and the decorations were just being removed as we left. We pondered how they would dispose of it; cut it up or drag it away!! Such a pity we missed you. We need some serious prayers for one of our family members.

  2. Anonymous4:03 pm

    You were spotted on EWTN at the GA! Apparently your scarf was the giveaway! My friend was adamant it was you!

  3. It definitely was you! I spotted you on KTO which I assume broadcasts the same pictures as EWTN.

  4. So I was right! It WAS you I spotted at the audience. I'd admired that scarf when I saw you on EWTN Live with Father Mitch Pacwa.
    I attended my first Paul VI Hall audience on January 7th. There's a lot less pushing and shoving than there is in the summer months, when you're queueing for entrance to Saint Peter's Square.
    Hope you enjoyed it!
    And, where DID you get that scarf? I love the colour scheme.

  5. Enjoyed the talk with Father Tim Finnigan on EWTN UK tonight on line.

  6. Anonymous11:40 pm

    It appears you are our new fashion icon, you simply blow out Kate Moss and the rest of the size zero lot, with your Scarf !!. On a more serious note it,s your guidence and prayers I feel we need and love. From hot to cold. Lets all pray for our Aussie friends in there time of need, and the cold and lonely in our icies land.

  7. Anonymous12:10 am

    Auntie J your so international in your travels,the USA, now Rome.Feb the 14th is almost with us,why not do a quick dash to Paris with your Hubby.Have some time together and show him your magic (Scarf !!).Seriously you can help make the world better just by doing what you do. Geting the world of God out in to our world.
