Sunday, February 22, 2009

I've added...

...a couple of new Blogs to my "Where auntie looks and lingers...." so do click on and enjoy...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:41 pm

    Dear Joanna, I am in the US and just saw your segment on "Catholic Lives" with a representative of the Assoc. of Catholic Women which touched on a wallet card to continue hydration. This is a brilliant idea and I hope it would be taken as a legal request in England, but in the US in some states food and water are considered medical treatment and must be prescribed by a doctor. I have sadly found as well that even with a Power of Attorney for Health Care, doctors are simply not treating seniors and people with disabilities since they feel spending health care dollars on them is a waste of society's money. I also know from bitter experience that you can not blindly trust Catholic hospitals to be on the side of life either.

    Anyway, now that I've found your "Catholic Lives" show I plan to continue watching. I also love your "Feasts and Seasons" show and your book "Benedict Code."
    I didn't know you had this blog, but when I saw under your name on the program you were a blogger, I googled and found you. EWTN should give folks a link here (perhaps they have and I didn't see it?). I hope God blesses everything you do with success and you continue to touch hearts and minds all over the world with your enthusiasm and joyful presentation of the truths of our faith. Sincerely, Cheryl Walker, a US fan
