Thursday, January 22, 2009

It has been terrific...

...being in America during an extraordinarily interesting time - new President etc.

Things I will remember.... daily Mass here at EWTN, said and sung most beautifully at 7am, bells chiming out to call people to church, dignified unfussy liturgy, voices raised in harmony for the Kyrie and Sanctus and Pater Noster,a sense of unity and purpose... the lively talk and laughter with, for example, Fr Mitch Pacwa , the discovery of the challenging message of Fr Benedict Groeschel eg in this new book, the genuine heartfelt patriotism of so many Americans and the way they sincerely entrust their country and its destiny to the protection of God...the vast quantities of food... the tall larch trees on Alabama hillsides against a wintry sky,the extraordinary way in which one can whizz emails across the Atlantic and thus continue journalism and domestic responsibilities from a great distance in a way unthinkable half a decade ago...

Discoveries about EWTN: the young Friars at the monastery - Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word average age about 34, cheerful, dedicated, enthusiastic...could they set up a group in Britain, please? Also: the superb standards of craftmanship in the sets and props department with top-quality woodwork and detailed historical and other research to create visual feasts, the warm and generous provision made for guests and temporary workers (I am plump with home-cooked meals made by the wonderful team presiding in the kitchens). Off-duty: the excellence of much American Catholic journalism, eg try this, the generosity of Americans in terms of their charitable giving and their attitudes towards it.


  1. Anonymous5:36 pm

    Come on, Joanna. The most unappealing aspects of EWTN are the appalling, pseudo domestic sets, the dreadful 'stained glass' windows, lurid graphics and other distractions that form a background to the programmes. The programmes themselves are usually fine but the studio looks, to put it mildly, cramped, stuffy and unimaginative. Well-made they may be but in every other way they are tasteless. As for the church, it is a monument to bad church furnishing on a commercial scale that only expresses vulgarity.

  2. I am so happy to hear that you are having a pleasant time over here... I enjoy your articles and blog postings very much. It is nice to get your point of view.

  3. Goodness Bernadette!
    The sets can be a little cheesey sometimes, but they're not THAT bad. At least they're not done in that bordello-baroque style so favored by our televangelist brethren on the other church channels.
    Now about that chapel where they broadcast the daily Mass---I'd love to get your take on that joint! Personally, I think it looks like PeeWee Herman's design for a Hindu Temple! I wish it was a bit more Christocentric and a bit less cluttered....(some cistercian simplicity needed there).
    But let me add, GOD BLESS EWTN! Their Mass provides solace for a lot of old shut-ins.

  4. Dear Auntie J.,
    Did you record anything for Candlemas while at EWTN studios? In our consumerist era, we are told to celebrate Winter 'til three days after the solstice. Are we then supposed to be depressed and miserable 'til the first day of Spring? I myself would like to see Yuletide celebrations thru February 2nd. Joanna Bogle, thankyouthankyouthankyou for the work you've done in bringing awareness of our rich Catholic Christian heritage; and may I recommend your 'Feasts and Seasons'
    book to everyone who wishes to know how to observe the seasons!
