Thursday, October 09, 2008

While studying...

...happily away yesterday in a coffee-shop, with two glorious hours to spare between meetings, and my Maryvale coursework and Bible and a pen and some coffee, I was completely blissful and absorbed. When the time came to leave, I had just finished the work I needed to do, and everything felt deeply satisfying. Then a thought: where is my mobile phone? Missing. Gone. I hurried out into Victoria Street - and immediately ran into various friends, who happened to be gathering for a Mass at Westminster Cathedral. "Hey - Joanna! How are you?" "Panicking" I answered "I've lost my mobile phone - must have left it somewhere - I'm about to start retracing my steps to all the places I've been - ". Quick prayer. Calmly, Sally G. had the thought of ringing my mobile's number. The voice that answered was that of the manager of the Internet cafe, where I'd been checking my emails earlier in the day...he was very pleased to be able to return it to me safely, big satisfaction all round... as I poured out my gratitude, other customers joined in the general celebrations...

I hadn't planned to go to the Westmin. Cath. Mass (which was commemorating the 80th anniversary of the founding of Opus Dei - cathedral packed, lots of families, sermon by Cardinal Cormac) but I dropped in anyway, to say a heartfelt "thank you"...

1 comment:

  1. I lost my phone during a long run a few months back -- it unclipped itself from the jogging stroller -- and was pleasantly surprised when I dialed to find that a kind gentleman had picked it up.
